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Our Story.









Two decades ago, I began my humble journey as a member of a renowned gem and rock firm, attending gem and rock exhibitions worldwide. The dazzling gems showcased in places like Tucson, Japan, and Germany left me in awe, but something was missing—a deeper connection to the very source of these treasures: Mother Earth. As I pursued my Gemology degree at GIA, Carlsbad, a defining moment changed the course of my vision. It was the Stephen Webster Ring collection inspired by the seven deadly sins. Among them, 'Gluttony' resonated profoundly with our industry. We often find ourselves drawn to excessive desires for the rarest and most extravagant gemstones. Yet, do we truly need those D Flawless, EX Cut, 3 carat diamonds? Perhaps not. It is a want, and it should remain as such—a delightful indulgence in the world of luxury.This defining moment sparked the birth of 'Atyāhāra,' derived from the Sanskrit word for 'gluttony.' Our brand represents a unique approach to luxury—a delightful want rather than an essential need in a human being's life. We embrace the concept of mindful sourcing, acknowledging that these precious stones come from the generosity of Mother Earth. It's time to give back to her, to acknowledge her contributions, and to protect her for future generations.

As you adorn yourself with the splendor of Atyāhāra crystals, know that you are part of a movement, a journey towards a more beautiful and sustainable future. Each piece is an embodiment of your commitment to the environment, to the lives of the miners, and to the spirit of gratitude.Join us on this extraordinary voyage, where beauty and responsibility converge. Discover a world of sustainable crystals with Atyāhāra, and let us celebrate happiness while giving back to the very heart of our existence—Mother Earth herself. Together, we can make a difference, one stone at a time.

- Viveka Jhaveri, Founder

Headshot of Viveka Jhaveri
Headshot of Manav Jhaveri














Our story begins in 1947, amidst the turmoil of the partition. My great-grandfather, an architect, uprooted his life and family from Lahore to Bombay, leaving behind his career and facing an uncertain future. Yet, resilience coursed through his veins. With unwavering determination, he rebuilt his life, venturing into the world of gold and diamonds. His success paved the way for my grandfather, who expanded the family business. However when the mantle passed on to my dad, Nikhil, he didn’t want to do it. The lower margins and the lack of innovation in the Indian gold market didn’t really call out to him. He turned his attention to rocks. Yup, common Indian rocks. He started his company Nikhil Gems ( He found value in something that seems so worthless in its nascent state but is so beautiful with just a little touch up. He was a brilliant story teller and a good man, but cancer got the better of him. At the mere age of 15, I did not understand this fascination with rocks, but now I think I kind of do. Its the fact that there lies beauty in everything and its value is not defined by its abundance or quantity.

We’ve grown up reading books, watching movies, listening to podcasts. However there are so many stories buried within the Earth, behind a macabre of the mundane. I hope to narrate these stories through my minerals, and allow you to experience the natural in the way it was intended to be. 

- Manav Jhaveri, Co-founder

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